Are you working on your own personal wellness program? Before you suffer from an unexpected illness or injury, preventative health risk assessment with thermography may be just what you need.
Early detection means earlier intervention which helps saves lives, right? Thermal imaging is a quick and easy test that starts by taking your health history. Our professional team of certified thermographers are trained to image your body regions according to established industry standards/protocols, offering a safe, private, no touch, non-invasive experience.
Finally, certified thermologists/MDs will interpret your images, reporting findings and their impression. This comprehensive report is processed at RHI and delivered to you securely by email, CD, or print, then followed by a courtesy phone call or text. You may opt to schedule a review with your thermographer by phone or zoom at no further cost. It's important that you understand the value of your report, We have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide.

A Wellness Full Body scan is a safe, no touch and private option that gives a wealth of information. Let me tell you why.
As you know, everything in your body is connected and finding inflammation in its early stages is what thermal imaging is best at. Once you have a baseline full body, which is more than 30 images, you can address the early stages of disease that you might not even feel yet.
What regions of the body will be imaged?
Head and neck
Breast and chest
Upper extremities
Lower extremities
Yes, top of head to bottom of feet!
Breast Health Risk Assessment
A baseline for the breast region requires 2 appointments. An initial scan is taken and, in 3 months, a second scan is taken for comparative analysis to determine your unique, individual thermal patterns. This study has 5 standard views.
Once a baseline is established, standard recommendation is re-imaging annually for consistent monitoring for change in the breast tissue physiology. For instance:
Lymphatic Congestion
Estrogen Dominance
Vascular changes
Fibrocystic activity
That's how early detection works! Being proactive provides knowledge for creating your healthy lifestyle!

Pain & Inflammation
Thermography is the only method available for visualizing pain and may be useful as an adjunctive procedure to other diagnostic tools. It is unique in its capability to show physiological change and metabolic processes and is useful in monitoring therapy. Whether acute or chronic, thermal imaging may help you and your healthcare team to safely get you back to better health.
Multiple studies have shown that inflammation is associated with many health problems. A thermography scan detects inflammation in the body with amazing accuracy. And the visual picture shows you where!
Thermal changes over time may identify abnormal physiology. Detecting these abnormalities in the early stages, before the symptoms appear, allows for early intervention with more options.

Monitoring Therapy
Thermography is the only method available for visualizing inflammation and is useful as an adjunctive procedure to other diagnostic tools. It is unique in its capability to show physiological change and metabolic processes and also useful in monitoring your therapy. Is what you are doing working??
The series of 3 head scans here show a patient with painful trigeminal neuralgia. The visual is fantastic! See how the inflammation patterns decrease over 45 minutes after the insertion of acupunture needles in strategic locations!
The series of 2 hand scans is an example of pre and post low level laser therapy. This patient had complaints of "soreness" due to arthritis in both hands, right greater than left. She had a successful treatment relieving her symptoms.
The series of 2 breast scans is very interesting. You see warm pattern in the right axilla region on this patient. The thermologist suggested lymph congestion. This patient pursued a lymphatic therapy utilizing an advanced technique and after 4 treatments you can certainly see the difference in thermal activity. This will be a great help to her immune system by aiding better lymph flow to the area.